Anchor Investigators
Synchrotron-based Investigators
Daniel Grolimund
Paul Sherrer Institut Swiss Light Source
Resource Expertise: Spectroscopy and imaging
Jean-Louis Hazemann
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Resource Expertise: Spectroscopy and imaging
Tony Lanzirotti
Argonne National Lab
Resource Expertise: Spectroscopy and imaging
Enzo Lombi
University of South Australia; Future Industries Institute
Resource Expertise: Complex systems, Spectroscopy and imaging
Paul McIntyre
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource
Resource Expertise: Spectroscopy and imaging
Maarten Nachtegaal
Paul Sherrer Institut Swiss Light Source
Resource Expertise: Spectroscopy and imaging
Olivie Proux
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Resource Expertise: Spectroscopy and imaging
US Investigators
Erin Carlson
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Resource Expertise: Complex systems, Spectroscopy and imaging
Juan Pablo Giraldo
University of California-Riverside
Resource Expertise: Complex systems, Modeling, Spectroscopy and imaging
Robert J. Hamers
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Resource Expertise: Complex systems, Spectroscopy and imaging
Christy L. Haynes
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Resource Expertise: Complex systems, Spectroscopy and imaging
Catherine Murphy
University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
Resource Expertise: Complex systems, Spectroscopy and imaging
Galya Orr
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Resource Expertise: Complex systems, Modeling, Spectroscopy and imaging
Zeev Rosenzweig
University of Maryland-Baltimore County
Resource Expertise: Spectroscopy and imaging
International Investigators
Geert Cornalis
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Resource Expertise: Complex systems, Modeling, Spectroscopy and imaging
Arno Gutlieb
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
Resource Expertise: Modeling, Spectroscopy and imaging
Thilo Hoffman
University of Vienna
Resource Expertise: Complex systems, Modeling, Spectroscopy and imaging
Danail Hristozov
University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, EMERGE
Resource Expertise: Informatics, Modeling
Keld Alstrup Jensen
National Research Centre for the Working Environment (Denmark)
Resource Expertise: Complex systems, Modeling
Petra Loeff
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
Resource Expertise: Spectroscopy and imaging
Bernd Nowack
Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA)
Resource Expertise: Complex systems, Modeling
Joris Quik
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
Resource Expertise: Modeling